
Human Writes
People Lets Get Down To The Of Legibal Handwriting.

Write Stuff
The origin of the science of interpreting handwriting can be traced back to Southern India from where it moved to the rest of the world.

Hands-On In Love
Here's a New Way To Figure Your Significant Out.

Worried About Your Kid's Handwritting
Now, Cell Phones Double As A Communication Gadget And Gaming Device. Children Are Addicted To Scoring Points On Their Glowing Screens.
What our clients say
Hello Sir, This Is An Immense Pleasure To Be With You In Your Class. The Only Reason I Am Here With
You Is From The First Call Till Now I Did Not See That Greed In You Like Other Trainers, Rather I
Learned How To Be So Pure In Delivering Your Services From You.
Purvi Anand, Delhi
I Think All Our Bad Decisions/Conflicts In Life In Some Way Stems From Our Ignorance Or In Other
Words Inability To Understand And Interpret Our Own Emotions. I Am Firm Believer Of Self
Introspection, Which Is Difficult And Truth Be Told Graphology Appears To Be A Quiet Easier Route To
Identify And Improve Ourselves. Also, As A Future Educator I Think I Can Really Help My Learners. So
Thank You For Offering Such A Wonderful Opportunity To Me.
Divya Chawla, Delhi
What I Learnt In These Sessions Is That There Is A Fundamental Relationship That Exists Between Our
Personalities And Our Handwriting, Which Flows Through Our Handwriting. If One Can Learn This
Science And Understand What It Conveys (In Oneself And In Others), Then The Relationships &
Communication Between People Can Improve To A Great Extent... Each Of Us Needs To Learn This
Science In Order To Better Understand How To Interact With Each Other... Very Happy To Be Involved
In Learning This, And Helping To Improve The Quality Of Life For Myself And Others Around Me...
Thank You Imran Baig Sir
Zafar Sadeed Muhammad, Canada
I Joined This Program Keeping In Mind That I Will Upgrade The Knowledge And Learn Something
New, But To My Wonder Everything Was New, As A Trainer, I Always Say To My Participants That
One Should Learn, Unlearn And Relearn. Now I Am Enjoying The Same. Thank You Imran Sir, His
Team And All The Participants For Making This Co-Learning So Wonderful.
Soumya Ranjan Pani, Pune
I Have Seen Changes Happening In Myself , My Concentration Level And Focus In Doing Things Have
Increased Because Of That I'm Able To Do My Work At Faster Pace. Additionally I Have Gained
Positiveness And My Energy Level Is Quite Stable. I'm Really Happy Seeing Myself This Way ..Thanks
Imran Sir And Everyone Within The Group Who Keeps Sharing Their Experience From Which I'm
Learning A Lot And At The Same Time I'm Able To Push My Limits Forward.
Divya Khadpe, Mumbai
These Sessions Were Awesome! I Understood The Profound Science To Accept People As They Are. It’s
Great To Know That These Simple Strokes Have Such Deep Science Related To Human Behaviour,
Emotions And Feelings. I Am Able To See The Real Me By Analyzing My Handwriting. Imran I Am
Blessed To Learn This Science From You. Thank You So Much.
Zulekha Begum, Bangalore
Listen to your handwriting.. it speaks!
If you want to read stories about yourself that you inadvertently write on paper then look
no further. By learning handwriting analysis at Global Penmanship, you can be assured of
not only getting to know about how your mind is working but you will also get a chance to
become a more evolved person by setting right what you think needs to change using
graphotherapy. And somewhere along this very insightful journey you will also become a
qualified hand writing analyst equipped to help the world! This is truly an experience
worth having!
Pallabi Banerjee, Kolkata
This is a beautiful science and everyone should learn it. Handwriting analysis is deeper
than ocean and this helps you in all aspects of life whether personal or professional,
whether its attitude or behaviour. Personally I experienced high self-confidence. Now i do
not think about disapproval, I attempt because i learnt its ok to fail... Failing means you
have attempted and ready for next attemp to achieve the success... I have observed that I
have become more positive and have also started talking in affirmation... This is the
power of this science. Infinite thank you will not be enough for you Imran Sir... God bless
you wid all the happiness in the world... Lots of Love and Regards
Poonam Gupta, Mumbai
If you want to meet the true yourself and Live the way you you ever wanted to, This is the
The energy, the knowlege, the Wisdom, the methodology, The attention to detail and the
best of it Simple yet Powerful enough to Carve the rocks...
this is the experience I had attending the sessions at Global Penmenship Academy and
graduating as certified Handwriting Analyst and Grapho-Analytical Therapist. My
emotions have started to flow again now, I had turned into a lifeless heart, I have claimed
my life back again Now with Power and Confidence and Take step forward with ease is
my earning from the sessions with Imranji, I bow to him with both the hands folded for
turning my Switch ON, and awakening true me ! God bless him...No words are enough to
Thank him , Heartiest Gratitude Imranji for holding my hands and making me walk again ,
Naveen Sharma, Amritsar
Indeed it was a amazing journey. We know our words talks about our thoughts but
through this science came to know that our handwriting speaks lots about us : our
Feelings/ Emotions, thinking pattern and how one relates with people, strength, and
defence mechanism everyone uses in a situation which is not in control. It’s a mirror
reflecting a person’s personality. It’s talk about the physical, mental and emotional state
of a person. Learning this science not only gave me the opportunity to learn about my
traits but also connect with people. After analysing the handwriting I know exactly how the
person is behaving and why. This helps me to connect to people better and contribute to
their life’s by giving them Grapho therapy. By small changes in the handwriting one can
bring the needed changes in his personality. So do invest in this science for your own
growth and betterment.
Preeta Agarwal, Mumbai