Mindset Coach, Professional Handwriting Analyst, Grapho Analytical Therapist and Ho'oponopono Healer
My mission is to empower over 50,000 individuals to unlock their highest potential through self-discovery and self-love using Graphology, Graphotherapy, and Coaching. I believe that each person holds incredible potential, like a superhero, within their life’s narrative. Through tapping into the power of our subconscious mind, we can unlock this potential, striving to become our finest selves and lead our most fulfilling lives.
Here’s What People Are Saying
“Suravi analyzed my handwriting so well and it was an amazing experience for me. To have someone tell me what I have felt and reflected on for years from a small paragraph of what I have written was surprising. It was 100% accurate and that blew my mind. She mentioned my traits that I have realized and haven’t acted upon, and also the traits that I have been working on for years. From the analysis, it gave me the confirmation on what I should be working on and that I think was the most valuable part of the analysis. I am excited to work on these traits and hopefully Suravi will see some changes through my handwriting again. Thank you!”
“I recently had my handwriting analyzed by the amazing Suravi. She hit around a 96% accuracy on what she summarized of my traits and personality. Many of the traits she highlighted were things I had not been aware of, but they clicked in place and I realized they were indeed present. She highlighted some traits that I have been working on and provided a safe place for me to share my thoughts and confirm her analysis. This was a very intriguing experience; I am excited to try a longer analysis session with her.”
“So recently had a session with Suravi Ghosh a friend for a longtime and she did a handwriting analysis for me. Honestly when I sat later and thought she was around 98% correct in her analysis. Few traits she identified which I guess were in my sub conscience mind but I never acknowledged them. She was showing a mirror to me of myself. I am so glad I did this session with her and would highly recommend others to have such sessions with her. ❤️❤️”
I firmly believe that we have the power to shape our fulfilling journey. By embracing self-love and self-discovery, we unlock the doors to our true potential.
I worked as a teacher at International Schools for over a decade before transitioning to become a certified coach in 2020. I am also a co-author of the Amazon bestseller book, ‘Unbreakable’, based on self-love.
Experiencing the transformative power of Graphotherapy on the subconscious mind has made me incorporate it into my morning ritual. As a coach, I am excited to be a catalyst in helping others in their transformation using tools like Graphotherapy and more.